Tom Jeffrey stands at the frontline of this city's Underground movement, all the while remaining behind the scenes. He doesn't just play sick underground music, he throws sick underground parties. The head honcho of Subversive Events doesn't mess around, never compromising quality for fast results and always keeping it real. We have the pleasure now to be enlightened on the dark side of the scene, and with TJ's 5+ years activity, we can understand why the Underground is sometimes lacking in number, but always worthy of our support.

: So TJ, knowing your significant role in the underground scene, can you describe to us what the word “underground” means to you?

: It’s sad, that word has been chucked around by people so much lately in Vancouver, that it has really kind of diluted that word and its rep. Funny thing is you never see those people coming out and supporting the true underground parties that happen here. It makes me even wonder if they want to contribute to the scene. I’m in this to spread good music and support artists, not to win awards, or be a star.
But it goes way beyond the style of music I like or play. It’s about fighting this way of life that people get so caught up in; being told what to wear, what to listen to, how to act, and all the negativity that comes with it. Because of this, most people seldom get a chance to think for themselves. Let’s show them that there is more to life!

: You’ve got a few years in this industry under your belt, so things must be so much different now than when you started. What are some of the differences you have observed from then and now?

: Bob Dylan wrote a wicked tune called “The times they are a changin’”. They always do, and it’s a very different scene now than when I got serious about playing records. I saw big changes around 2004, in fact the reason I started to DJ was because I saw the music I love get steam rolled by garbage, the quality level of everything go down, and the true art of a real Disc Jockey lost. Most of the fun people stopped coming out, and the people who did come out, went for all the wrong reasons.
Don’t get me wrong, there is still a lot of positive stuff going on here, and I feel that people are coming to realize all of this.
I remember seeing guys like Jay Tripwire, playing vinyl on 4 turntables, and DJ Ali mixing through whole tracks. Nowadays, people hide behind their laptops, and use the auto sync button while playing low quality mp3; that’s an insult to our intelligence! You use to have to be a really talented artist to play out in Vancouver. Now it’s all about how many people you can get on the guest list or in the club before 11:00, is that really the DJ’s job? No. That’s not what it should be about. The promoters I knew worked hard and gave a shit about music, and quality. That’s how I promote.

: Who were the industry heavyweights in your rookie days?

: Tyler Stadius, Vernon Douglas, Jay Tripwire, Mike McSuede, Mathew Jonson, were the ones that were important to me.

: Did you have any mentors who helped you significantly along the way?

: If it wasn't for Tom Thomas, and Jay Tripwire, I wouldn't be a DJ. Both of them opened the door when I was trying to get my foot in it. Scott W. is a huge inspiration for me, and in my opinion the definition of a real underground DJ.

: What would you say was the biggest challenge you’ve had to face in your career?

: Dealing with all the politics. I just want to play records, throw cool parties and give people a chance to experience real music.

: You are also an expert in sound equipment. How did you branch out in that direction; did you feel it was inevitable?

: I guess just seeing the way that poor sound systems and equipment can ruin a good thing. I’m not a certified sound tech, so I wouldn't say I’m an expert. However, I do read a lot and am extremely meticulous about having good sounding gear, because I believe that people deserve it. The human ear is capable of hearing twenty millionths of a second, and when people cheap out, or neglect the quality of sound (whether it’s the house rig, monitors, or the DJ’s choice of audio format), it’s insulting to the music lovers.

: By the way, Subversive has been throwing sick parties and bringing in solid names. can you share with us this vision of yours?

: Our goal is to open the minds of people through music. We really wanted to give Vancouver a chance to see some really cool acts; to come to a party that has all kinds of extra stuff, to feel special, because they are. It’s an amazing feeling when you see someone on the dance floor lost in their own little word. Music changes lives. It’s saved mine, that’s for sure.
Stay tuned, we have Luke Hess, Rick Wade, Kink, Maetrik, Carlo Lio and more for you guys.

: Name three artists that you would book if none of them were too expensive

: Jeff Mills, Radio Slave, Trent Reznor.

: What were some lessons that you had to learn the hard way in your career?

: I stopped playing “just any” gigs offered to me. A year or two ago, a club promoter asked me to play more “commercial.” I realized that I should be more selective where I DJ and who I work with. I also realized that good friends are hard to find, and it’s important to not let business compromise that.

: When it comes to expanding your network, what has worked best for you?

: I try and work with people I believe in, and who are in it for the right reasons. Working hard and raising the bar I believe is what’s helped me big time.
Check out the [Subversive] website for all the latest news and upcoming show dates. They bring down some serious headliners, for real!Also find live mixes from the shows right [HERE]